कालो धान अर्थात ‘जी–६० ब्ल्याक राइस’ उच्च पोषणयुक्त धान हो । एक व्यक्तिले एक दिनमा १५ ग्रामका दरले अन्य चामलमा मिसाएर खाएमा क्यान्सर, अल्जाइमर्स, मधुमेह र ब्लड प्रेसरजस्ता रोगविरुद्ध लड्न सक्ने क्षमता कालो धानमा रहेको कृषि विज्ञ …
कृषि पूर्वाधार विकास तथा कृषि यान्त्रीकरण प्रवर्द्धन केन्द्र INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL SCIENCE (IAAS) कृषि तथा पशुपन्छी विकास मन्त्रालय कृषि तथा वन विज्ञान विश्वविद्यालय (AFU) कृषि बिभाग कृषि बिभाग - राष्ट्र…
Are you worried about how to find LAI ? Leaf area index (LAI) is a dimensionless quantity that categorizes the plant canopy. It is defined as the one-sided green leaf area per unit ground surface area which formula is ; ( LAI = L…
To Download the PDF File for offline reading, Click Here. To download PDF File about PMAMP in details via Krishi Diary, Click here. To download details about PMAMP in Nepali, Click Here. Introduction With a view to making …
(१) असुरोः गाउघरमा पाइने असुरोको पात र डॉठलाई खेत, बारीमा छापोको रुपमा माटोमा प्रशस्त राख्ने गरे फेंद काट्ने र माटोमुनि लुकीबस्ने खुम्रे कीराहरुलाई नियन्त्रण गर्न सकिन्छ ।
To download PDF File, Click here. 1 . Know yourself: Know your area of expertise, what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses. Play to your strengths, not to your weaknesses. If you want to get into a new
To download PDF File for Offline reading, Click here. Plants require 16 essential elements for their growth and development. Except C, H and O, all other nutrient are supplied through fertilizers and manure if they are not pres…
To download PDF File, Click here. Genetic engineering - was made possible through a series of scientific advances including the discovery of DNA and the creation of the first recombinant bacteria in 1973, i.e., E .coli expres…
To download PDF File, Click Here. Mixed fertilizers For over hundred years the mixed fertilizers are in use besides straight fertilizers. Many fertilizer mixtures are made available now and this account for a major portion of t…
To download PDF File, Click Here. COMPOSTING OF ORGANIC WASTES Composting is a process of allowing organic materials to decompose more or less controlled conditions to produce stabilized product that can be used as a manure or…
To Download PDF file, Click Here. Complex fertilizers is defined as a material containing all three prirnary, nutrients ( N,P and K) and it is also designated as complete complex fertilizers while a fertilizer material containi…
To Download PDF file, Click here. “Agrochemicals” - include chemicals, which enhance growth and yield of crops apart from chemicals that destroys pests and diseases. Pesticides are chemicals designed to combat attacks of variou…
To Download the PDF File, Click Here. Biofertilizers are defined as preparations containing living cells or latent cells of efficient strains of microorganisms that help crop plants uptake of nutrients by their interactions in …
To download PDF File, Click Here. Line sowing means sowing of seeds in a fixed geometry pattern along horizontal or vertical line. Line sowing is usually done for expensive and highly germinating quality seeds. It is relatively …
To download PDF file with images, Click Here. Mitosis occurs only in eukaryotes. Prokaryotes (i.e., archaea and bacteria) divide via binary fission. Mitosis is the process by which the somatic cells of all multicellular organi…
To download PDF File, Click here. Growth mainly refers to the quantitative increase in plant body such as increase in length of the stem and root, the no. of leaves, the fresh weight and dry weight etc. On the other hand, germ…
To download PDF File, Click here. Unfruitfulness is a major problem in many fruit crops and their varieties result in huge loss to growers and make fruit cultivation less profitable. Unfruitfulness in fruit crops refers to the…
To download PDF File, Click here. Pruning may be defined as the removal of any excess or undesirable branches, shoots, roots, or any other parts of a plant, so as to allow the remaining parts to grow normally or according to t…